Monday, December 29, 2008

Importance of charity

बुभुर्क्षा जयते यस्तु।

स स्वर्ग जयते ध्रुवं।

यदा दानरूचि: स्माद वै,

तदा धर्मो सीदति ॥
जो भूक जिंकतो तो निश्चित स्वर्गही जिंकतो।

जोपर्यन्त दान करण्याची आवड असणारा मनुष्य असेल तोपर्यन्त धर्मं नष्ट होणार नाही।

दुश्कालात धान्यकण वेचून कसेबसे जगानार्या एका दरिद्री धर्मशील ब्राम्हनाने व त्याच्या कुटुम्बाने आपापल्या वाट्याचे सर्व पीठ आलेल्या अतिथीला देऊन टाकले। ते पाहून प्रसन्न झालेल्या धर्माने वरील उदगार काढले।
One who can control the strarvation can surely conquer the world. Charity helps in keeping the existence of Dharma. Bounty will help the religion to prosper.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What are Upanishadaas?

The word Upanishadas in Sanskrit language means Upa (near) ni (down) and shad(to sit). In all it is 'to sit down near' (and receive instrucions). the teacher and student or a spiritual master and his disciples setting were not always prevalent in strict sense। The leanring process was never a one way process but it was a two way communication. Teacher never claimed 'I will teach' but he always convinced the disciples 'let us understand' (what the religion says.). Guru also ensures his disciple that there should not be any difference of opinion in learning the religion. Let us come to a common conclusion.
That's why every Upanishad starts with following thought:
ॐ सह नाववतु सहनौ भुनक्तु सह वीर्यम करवावहै
तेजस्वी नावधीतमस्तु माँ विद्विशावहैम ॐ शांतिः शांतिः शांतिः
May He protect us both (teacher and the taught)! May He cause us both to enjoy the bliss of Mukti (liberation)! May we both exert to discover the true meaning of the sacred scriptures! May our studies be fruitful! May we never disagree with each other (Let there be consensus over the subject matter)! Let there be threefold peace.

Know your religion

Hello All,
This blog is created to share the knowledge of Hindu religion. The Upanishadas and Vedas. Though I have created the blog, I do not claim myself being wise enough to know the religion. But I wish to communicate to people who can describe and explain the verses of sanskrit literature. Following the religion by knowing it thoroughly is a altogether different matter than merely following it blindly. I am a learner of Hindu religion and I wish all young friends to join and discuss. This is an exclusive platform for discussing religions (in comparison). Let us reveal the ancient books.